About us

Funded by legendary names like Y Combinator & Pantera Capital, our goal is to enable our customers to exchange everything. We offer revolutionary new products such as volatility trading among more traditional spot and perpetuals markets, and innovative approaches to managing your risk with our Unified Margin system.

We aim to be a robust and rewarding exchange platform, with market-leading performance and deep liquidity, and payouts and fee discounts for staking GDT, the token that powers Globe.

Excellent market depth
We bring together traders with institutional market makers.
100x leverage
We offer up to 100X leverage for free.
Websocket API
Our exchange will seamlessly integrate with your trading application.
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Our executive team
James West
James West
James is a technologist, digital assets pioneer and former trader and investor. He led the quantitative team at a hedge fund for four years, growing it from a small family fund to $300m assets under management with incredible risk-adjusted returns. He earned his PhD from UCL, just across from DeepMind’s Demis Hassabis, his research has now generated over 600 citations. Prior to that he studied algebraic geometry at Cambridge University under 2018 Fields Medallist Caucher Birkar.
Shaun Ng
Shaun Ng
Shaun is a crypto enthusiast, trader and former theoretical physicist. He traded his own account successfully for years after publishing original research on gravitational waves. Prior to that he earned a Master’s in Astrophysics from Cambridge University.
We’re hiring
Here at Globe we looking for smart, collborative & passionate people to join our team. If this sounds like you then please send your CV and covering letter to:
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